Welcome to EQSaints!

Your home for trusted youth ministry resources, training, and events.

Create an account and enjoy a free 30-day trial of EQAccess™—the leading library and knowledge base for Catholic youth ministry.

Get equipped


Subscribe to EQAccess™ to download thousands of fully-designed sessions and programs, with step-by-step instructions and all the supporting materials you need to bring each session to life.

  • Customize sessions to fit your environment and meet the unique needs of your group.
  • Expand your ministry with resources for retreats, service projects, and community-building events.
  • Access resources for confirmation preparation, sessions on saints and saintly people, and make connections to the liturgical year.
  • All authored by people with deep youth ministry experience and shaped in partnership with parish youth ministers, diocesan directors, high school campus ministers, and teachers.
Mix-and-match resources from the library to create a program that’s tailored to your youth group, or let us do the planning and follow our recommended curriculum: Equipped for Life: our new four-year program for guiding young people from evangelization to Christian maturity.

Create your account and start your free 30-day trial today!

Get equipped


Equipping leaders with the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques needed for creative and comprehensive youth ministry. Our Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies™ helps to create a common vision for effective youth ministry in your diocese or region, forging a connected network of leaders and promoting collaboration among parishes, schools, and diocesan staff.

Now enrolling students for online cohorts and accepting sponsors for diocesan programs!

Learn More


Equipping the Saints helps you produce events that change lives and empower the Church for evangelization, worship, and ongoing discipleship. With our parent company Declan Weir Productions, Inc., EQSaints has produced national events, both in-person and virtual, for organizations including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, March for Life, and more, as well as events at both the regional, diocesan, and parish levels.

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Take the First Step

Create an account today to start your free 30-day trial of EQAccess™, and gain instant access to thousands of fully-designed sessions and programs, with step-by-step instructions and all the supporting materials you need to bring each session to life. EQAccess™ will help you deliver a comprehensive and compelling program to energize your young people and lay a strong foundation for their life-long commitment to Christ.