Lectio Divina: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

You are anxious and worried about many things. — Luke 10:41


If you’re an anxious kind of person, today’s Gospel reading might feel like a call out. We find Jesus visiting his friends Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus. Mary chooses to just sit down with Jesus and listen to Him. Martha, who is too focused on serving, probably feels a bit annoyed that Mary is not helping her with anything. Frustrated, she asks the Lord if He even cares.

Jesus responds to her by acknowledging her anxiety. He doesn’t dismiss it, but He does redirect her by reminding her “there is need of only one thing.” He then notes how Mary has chosen the better part. He even adds that the act of being with Him “will not be taken from [Mary].”

Oftentimes we can get so caught up in the details and in the planning. We’re so focused on big picture things that we forget to be present in the moment before us. The preparation that Martha is doing is good, but being present with Jesus is even better. We are so focused on “doing” that we often forget to just allow ourselves to “be.” This week, let’s try and be more intentional with our time and presence when we are with others – especially Jesus.


  1. Do I spend time sitting beside the Lord?
  2. Do I spend time in silence in order to allow Jesus to speak to me?
  3. Do I feel like the Lord doesn’t care?
  4. What am I anxious and worried about?
  5. How can I choose the better part like Mary?