A middle school event like no other!

Hosted by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
October 28, 2023 ● 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Event Information

We're looking forward to welcoming you to Holy Fire Oklahoma City on October 28th! Please review the information below to help ensure a smooth trip for you and your group.

Parking and Entrance (see map below)

  • The Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center is located at 6000 Prosper Blvd, Midwest City, OK 73110.
  • Free, surface level parking lots are located on the east and north sides of the Hudiburg Center. Busses should use the north parking lot, across Prosper Avenue from the Hudiberg Center.
  • Group Leaders should come to Will Call at the Main Lobby to check in their group and receive their group's wrist bands. Please do not bring attendees into the Will Call area.
  • Once they have their wrist bands, all participants will enter the Main Lobby through the marked doors.

Registration opens at 8:30 AM. Please bring the following with you to Will Call:

  • Your Group Leader QR code (provided by email)
  • Any outstanding Consent Forms or Safe Environment Clearance forms (most forms should have been submitted by email prior to the event). Any adults who are not Safe Environment compliant will not be permitted to attend.
  • A check (made payable to "Equipping the Saints") or credit card, if you have an outstanding balance.

During check in, you will be given wristbands for your group, which will grant your participants access to the venue, as well as any t-shirts you pre-ordered.

General Admission

Once you have checked in and distributed wrist bands to your group, all Youth and Adult participants will enter the Main Lobby through the marked doors. All seats are general admission, and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Parent Pick-up

If you have participants being picked up by their parents at the conclusion of the event, they can pick up at the main entrance via the drive at Adair Blvd. All group leaders will be responsible for their participants and ensuring they are picked up by their responsible adult.

Parents Welcome at Mass

If you have parents who would like to attend the closing Mass, they are welcome to do so. Mass begins at 4:00pm. Parents should enter through the Main Lobby.


If you have questions or need assistance with your registration, please contact support@eqsaints.com.