A middle school event like no other!
Hosted by the Diocese of Salt Lake City
Holy Fire Salt Lake City 2024 has passed. Thank you to all who joined us! Join our mailing list to receive a notification when future Holy Fire Salt Lake City dates are announced.
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At Holy Fire, middle school Catholics are invited and challenged to embrace their baptismal call and the powerful, relevant gospel of Jesus. Through talks by dynamic speakers, witness by peers, inspirational praise and worship, and rich experiences of the Sacraments, Holy Fire helps young people feel seen, welcomed, and invited into a life changing commitment to Christ.
Hosted by the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, and brought to you by the producers of NCYC, the nation’s largest Catholic youth event: the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, in partnership with Equipping the Saints, a division of Declan Weir Productions, Inc.
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Fr. Joseph Minuth
Fr. Joseph Minuth, was born in Modesto, Calif. and attended high school and college in Texas. He entered the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Mo. He was ordained a priest for the Order of Preachers, Province of St. Albert the Great, on May 14, 2011. He speaks English, conversational German and some Spanish.
After serving as a parochial pastor at three campus ministries at large universities, he came to the Diocese of Salt Lake City in 2019 and was named parochial vicar of St. Joseph Parish in Ogden. This was followed by a year as parochial vicar of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Logan and chaplain of St. Jerome Newman Center at Utah State University. On Aug. 3 he will begin his new assignment as administrator of Holy Family Parish in Ogden.
Robert Feduccia
Robert Feduccia is a speaker, retreat leader, writer, and educator, motivated by belief in the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to transform lives. After launching the Youth Liturgical Leadership Program with One Bread, One Cup in 2000, Robert went on to serve as a development editor for St. Mary’s Press, and then as the general manager for Spirit & Song, the contemporary music division of Oregon Catholic Press (OCP). A graduate of St. Meinrad Catholic Seminary and the Catholic University of America, Robert has taught theology to deacon candidates in dioceses around the country. He has been the keynote speaker at numerous diocesan conferences and is recognized as an expert in the New Evangelization, having written the evangelization document for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He has been a frequent contributor to OCP’s Today’s Liturgy and to the Center for Ministry Development’s Youth Ministry Access. He has spoken at Life Teen’s Catholic Youth Ministry Convention on several occasions and has served on the planning committees for the National Catholic Youth Conference and for the US bishops’ World Youth Day efforts. He lives in the Nashville area with Kathleen, his wife, and their two sons and two daughters.
Noelle Garcia
Noelle Garcia is a nationally known speaker and musician. She has spoken at Steubenville Youth Conferences, NCYC, and many other Diocesan and Parish events. Noelle has several talks on Formed.org and is the Host of the new Symbolon Refresh with Augustine Institute. Noelle is the Director of Programs for EQSaints and lives in Oklahoma with her husband, six kids, and two dogs.
The Scally Brothers
The Scally Brothers are a dynamic duo from Toledo, Ohio composed of Jake and Zach Scally. From an early age the brothers developed a passion for their faith and love of all things music. The duo makes a powerful statement with their much-anticipated album, KEEP HOPIN’ // KEEP DREAMIN’, an epic, sweeping musical landscape that encompasses themes of ambition, dreams, and purpose.
This year Jake & Zach are performing all around the United States of America for their tenth national tour. They share a special heart for Youth Ministry and Young Adults. The Scally Brothers strongly believe that their mission is to revive the youth of the Church and bring a new energy to its people. A bible verse that is modeled for the duo comes from the book of Philippians: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).